Master of Business Administration (Banking and Finance) (MBF)

This programme is an AICTE recognized Post Graduate Degree programme designed to develop the skills required for careers in business and management.


Passed Bachelor Degree of Minimum 3 years duration with at least 50% marks

S/he should have passed the CAIIB examinations of the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Mumbai, and awarded the requisite qualification/credentials therefor by the Institute;

S/he should have been working with the banking or financial services sector for a period of at least two years.

Medium of Instruction: English

Minimum Duration: 2 years

Maximum Duration: 4 years

Number of Courses/ Credits

  • The MBA Programme consists of 28 courses (116 credits) in all and includes:
  • 20 Core Courses of 4 Credit each = 80 Credits.
  • One Project course of 8 credits
  • 7 Specialization Courses of 4 credits each = 28 credits
Course codeCourse TitleCourse codeCourse Title
Semester -1 (7 Courses)Semester-2 (7 Courses)
MMPC-001Management Functions and Organisational ProcessesMMPC-008Information Systems for Managers
MMPC-002Human Resource ManagementMMPC-009Management of Machines and Materials
MMPC-003Business EnvironmentMMPC-010Managerial Economics
MMPC-004Accounting for ManagersMMPC-011Social Processes and Behavioural Issues
MMPC-005Quantitative Analysis for Managerial ApplicationsMMPC-012Strategic Management
MMPC-006Marketing ManagementMMPC-013Business Laws
MMPC-007Business CommunicationMMPC-014Financial Management
Semester-3 (7 Courses)Semester-4 (7 Courses)
MMPC-015Research Methodology for Management DecisionsMMPC-017Advanced Strategic Management
MMPC-016International Business ManagementMMPC-018Entrepreneurship
MMPP-001Project Course (Equivalent to 2 Courses)MMPC-019Total Quality Management
MMPC-020Business Ethics and CSR
and Four courses from any one area of the specializationand Three courses from any one area of the specialization

Specialization Courses to be opted in the III Semester

MMPB-001Bank Financial Management
MMPB-004Risk Management in Banks
MMPB-006Corporate Governance in Banking and Financial Sector
MMPF-006Management of Financial Services

Exit Certification:
A student can get her/his MBA (Banking and Finance) degree in his chosen specialization once s/he completes all the specified 28 courses. However, if a student wishes to exit the programme after completion of the specified courses of 1 st and 2nd semesters (56 credits), an exit option is provided at her/his specific request only, resulting in award of Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDIM).